不曉得各位媽咪對這首童年的手指謠有沒有印象呢? 話說狐狸媽小時候就是靠這首手指謠學會分辨五根手指頭的呢,小時候學的果然記憶特別深刻,
話說回來,國外也有這種類似的手指謠喔!和我們不同的是,西方人的大拇哥改名叫做 Tommy Thumb (湯姆的姆指),而二姆弟則被叫做 Peter Pointer (食指彼得),
一起來聽聽這首可愛的Tommy Thumb(手指謠)吧!
Tommy Thumb is up and Tommy Thumb is down.
Tommy Thumb is dancing all around the town.
Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head,
Dancing on my knees, now I tuck him into bed.
Peter Pointer's up and Peter Pointer's down.
Peter Pointer's dancing all around the town.
Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head.
Dancing on my knees, now I tuck him into bed.
Patty Pinkie's up and Patty Pinkie's down.
Patty Pinkie's dancing all around the town.
Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head.
Dancing on my knees, now I tuck her into bed.
Finger Family's up and Finger Family's down.
Finger Family's dancing all around the town.
Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head.
Dancing on my knees, now I tuck them into bed.